As a continuation of Statehood Hawaii‘s “Statehood Countdown,” we’re looking at the document given to Mr. Bolard More, Officer in Charge of Non-Self-Governing Territories Affairs of the Department of State, by M. Perez-Guerrero, Director of the Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories at the UN.

This document contains the information given to the UN by the State Department after President Eisenhower signs the Admissions Act on March 18th, 1959. What is of particular interest is that the population figures submitted in UN document A/4088 are the figures submitted by Governor Quinn’s office to the Department of the Interior and passed to the State Department. The statistical data for “population and vital statistics” that is referred to in this letter is the data the Secretary General uses from the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organization and other UN Specialized Agencies, contributing to the 1959 United Nations Demographic Yearbook. It is in this document that we begin to address why the results of the plebiscite vote were not adequately examined as called for by UNGAR 742.

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26 March 1959

Dear Mr. More,

I should like to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 18 March and to thank you for the statistical data relating to Hawaii which were enclosed.

This additional information is valuable for the completion of the Secretariat study and will be incorporated in the final printed text to be published some time this year or at the beginning of next, in the volume relating to the territorial part of the Ten-Year Progress Report. We may possibly have to make an exception for the population and vital statistics, which the Secretariat usually takes from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook.

You may have noticed that in the meantime the original text of the Hawaii-report has appeared as a mimeographed document under symbol No. A/4088/Add.5, dated 6 March 1959. A corrigendum to this document will be issued in those instances where the additional data you were kind enough to send are essential for the work of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories at its coming session.

Sincerely yours, M. Perez-Guerrero
Director Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories

go to #18 on the countdown

arnie Statehood Countdown